With fixed nozzle

Danfoss expansions valve R134a TUBE9 N solder 10x12mm 068U2017

Order No.: 214.0518
Manufacturer number: 068U2017
Manufacturer: Danfoss

More in this category: With fixed nozzle

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Die TU-Serie thermostatischer Expansionsventile ist speziell zum Einlöten in hermetisch geschlossene Kälteanlagen vorgesehen. TU-Ventile sind aus Edelstahl und daher besonders für den Einsatz in der Lebensmittelbranche anwendbar

Technical data

Connection type
Löt, ODF
max. operating pressure
34 bar
Weight net
0,16 kg
Temperature data
Temperature range
minimum: -40 °C
maximum: 10°C
Ambient temperature
Technical modifications reserved. Product images may differ from the actual product and are meant for demonstration purposes only. Absolutely no liability can be assumed for possible indication errors and errors in the manufacturers’ information.

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