Our INTERFACES between your merchandise management and mySCHIESSL



What are interfaces?

An interface is defined as a software, which exchanges data between different systems. In other words they build the crossover from one system into an other. This crossover can be used for communication or the data exchange. The specification of an interface defines common features, as for example a protocol for the communication and the exchange of data.

Which advantages do interfaces offer?

The connection between mySCHIESSL and the merchandise management or the craftsmen software with the interfaces will reduce immediately the manual effort of the order process and all the follow-up processes, because there is no need to do another acquisition in your merchandise management.

With an IDS or OCI interface you can access easily from your own merchandise management to the whole product range of mySCHIESSL. You can work with your system as usual – with all the permissions and settings – and access directly and always up-to-date to all the product data and search options. In this way you can save time and don't have to import of catalog data into your system.

Top Argumente Top arguments for interfaces


  • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Anbindung an die Kunden-Software
  • Kostenlos - Es entstehen für Sie als Kunde keinerlei Kosten!
  • Keine zusätzliche Verwaltung von Benutzer- und Zugangsdaten im Onlineshop
  • Kein weiterer Login im Shop notwendig
  • Preise und Lieferzeiten in Echtzeit überprüfen
  • Zeitersparnis, da keine doppelte Erfassung im Warenwirtschaftssystem erfolgen muss
  • Große Katalogauswahl
  • Keine zeitraubende Stammdatenpflege, durch direkten Abruf aus der mySCHIESSL Plattform


Hat Ihr Warenwirtschaftssystem oder Ihre Handwerkersoftware eine der unten genannten Schnittstellenmöglichkeiten, dann zögern Sie nicht und nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf. Einrichtung und Support der Schnittstelle muss durch die kundenseitige IT erfolgen. Bitte teilen Sie uns auch mit, welche Schnittstellen wir für Sie freischalten sollen.

Jetzt kontaktieren


Erklärung der einzelnen Schnittstellen im Detail


(Integrierte Datenschnittstelle)

IDS-Connect enables our customers to access mySchiessl directly from their software. Thus, for example, items can be added directly to the shopping cart of mySCHIESSL without having to add them again in mySCHIESSL. Details or information about an item can also be retrieved in the customer software without any problems. At the same time, the interface also updates the customer's purchase prices if required.

Advantages of the IDS-Interface:

  • Connection of mySCHIESSL to your merchandise management or e-procurement system
  • Direct access to mySCHIESSL in the order entry: article, price, product details, inventory
  • No doubly processes, processing of order workflow in customer system


The OCI-Interface is the predecessor of the IDS interface. Some of the customer's merchandise management systems do not yet support IDS. This interface differs from the IDS by the following point:

  • Only one export of the products is possible and no back import to mySchiessl

SHK-Connect /
Open Connect

Time-saving work. This is what we enable our customers to do with the help of SHK-Connect. Searching for new data (Datanorm, UGL, IDS) is not necessary, because thanks to SHK-Connect the customer's software downloads new files as needed and processes them.


DATANORM enables data exchange between dealers, manufacturers as well as craftsmen in the construction industry. This data includes, for example, article or master data, which is why DATANORM has now become a standard procedure. Open Masterdata is the newer variant of DATANORM. This will play a considerable role in the future. If customers are interested in this interface, we ask our customers to participate in our survey:

Participate in survey

(available from mid-2021)

ZUGFeRD is an electronic invoice that enables the exchange of invoices without media discontinuity. ZUGFeRD is intended to improve communication between companies and public administration. ZUGFeRD makes electronic communication simpler, faster and standardized.