Danfoss training program

Danfoss Schiessl Kälte Kältetechnik Kältetechniker Kältetechnikerin Klimatechnik Schulung Weiterbildung Großhandel Großhändler

You want to further your education? Then you've come to the right place!

You can qualify for one or more of the areas listed below at Danfoss.

Click on one of the programs listed below for which you want to certify and complete the courses listed. You are free to schedule your time to do this. After successful completion of a program, you can print a certificate of completion yourself.

If you also want to become a Danfoss Certified Refrigeration Specialist, you will need to attend a live seminar online. You can find the dates directly in the respective programs in Learning.

If you do not already have a Danfoss Learning account, you will need to register once for free to access the courses.

After completing the courses, you will receive a Danfoss certificate!

The following programs are available:

  • Danfoss Weiterbildungsprogramm Gewerbekälte Kältetechnik Kälte Klima Klimatechnik Weiterbildung Schulung Schiessl Großhändler

    This program includes the following courses:

    • Cold rooms for better food quality
    • Expansion units, Module 1 – Introduction
    • Piping components – Filter driers and sight glasses
    • Two-point controls, pressure switches and thermostats – Theory
    • Piping Components: BM shut-off valves
  • Danfoss Weiterbildungsprogramm Industriekälte Kältetechnik Kälte Klima Klimatechnik Weiterbildung Schulung Schiessl Großhändler

    This program includes the following courses:

    • Natural refrigerants: Ammonia
    • Industrial Refrigeration: SVL Flexline™ – Introduction and Range
    • Introduction ICF valve station
    • Natural refrigerants: CO2
  • Danfoss Weiterbildungsprogramm Kälteelektronik Kältetechnik Kälte Klima Klimatechnik Weiterbildung Schulung Schiessl Großhändler

    This program includes the following courses:

    • Electrically operated expansion valves: ETS Colibri® - Introduction
    • AK-PC 782A composite controller - configuration and application possibilities for the multi-ejectors
    • Introduction to the ADAP-KOOL® refrigeration controller solution
    • Technical introduction to the AK-CC55 refrigeration controller program
    • AK-CC55 Connect app